Thursday, December 24, 2009

10 Simple Health Practices: 7. Having Quality Sleep

Ever woke up in the morning to be frightened by that hideous dark-ringed image inside the mirror? Well, I bet most of us would have experienced that during some time or another given our hectic and stressful lifestyles. With Christmas round the corner, and all the parties and such, sleep is going to be scarce indeed.

Sleeping disorders and not having enough sleep is always a major cause of concern among city dwellers like us. So, want to have a good night’s sleep? Here’s how you can do it:

1. Start and stick to a bedtime routine
Sticking to a bedtime routine will help your body get into a sleep rhythm and you’ll find it easier to fall asleep and wake up in the morning. Try not to change your bedtime even if it’s the weekends. This is to avoid any disruption in your sleep rhythm and save you the effort of starting a new bedtime routine all over again.
2. Sleep in complete darkness

There should be as little light as possible when sleeping. This is so because having light in your bedroom when sleeping can disrupt your cardiac rhythm inhibit your pineal gland’s production of melatonin. Always switch off all lights and draw the curtains at night before going to sleep. Whenever possible, wear an eye mask or blindfold yourself when sleeping to block out the remaining light coming from the lamps outside your window.

3. Avoid having supper
It is best not to eat anything at night before you sleep. The reason is that sugary food raises your blood sugar, hence making it difficult for you to fall asleep. Also, another side-effect is that later in the night when your blood sugar drops too low, you might wake up and not be able to go back to sleep. Caffeine and alcohol should also be avoided.

4. Listen to relaxing music or sounds of nature
Try listening to soothing music or sounds of nature before going to sleep. It gives your mind a chance to unwind so that you can go to sleep easier, feeling calm and relaxed.

5. Keep your bed for sleeping purpose
Lastly, avoid doing your work, watching television or surfing the internet on your bed. You might be so used to doing those activities on your bed that you’ll find it difficult to relax and think of the bed as a place to sleep.

Having enough sleep is not sufficient to make up for a healthy mind and body. Quality of sleep also plays an integral part. It is only by keeping both quantity and quality in balance then can we confidently attribute a good night’s sleep to one-third of our lives.

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