Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 Simple Health Practices: 4. Bathing Properly

Living in such a humid country as Singapore, it would be most refreshing to soak oneself in the bathtub after a hard day’s work. There is always the temptation, which I believe, for most of us to soak in the water for a couple more minutes before we eventually persuade ourselves out of it by reminding ourselves of that month end utility bill. So then, you may ask: Should we sacrifice our hygiene and cleanliness at the expense of our money? Well, of course not! It is not the amount of time that we spend in the bathroom that matters, but the necessary, proper procedures of bathing that is important. Below are some tips to ensure efficient and effective body cleaning:

1. Instead of soaking yourself in the bathtub, use the shower faucet
The tendency to spend longer time soaking in the bathtub is usually much greater given the luxury of sitting and lying in the bathtub. Moreover, isn’t it a hassle having to fill your bathtub with water first before you can bathe? Using the shower faucet is certainly the quicker and more convenient option.
2. Try not to bring in your rubber ducks with you when bathing
This is to avoid distracting yourself from your main objective of cleaning your body. Anyway, those rubber duckies are meant for kids, aren’t they? As far as I am concerned, those bathing toys are meant to cajole and distract the kids so that adults can have an easier time bathing them.

3. Bathe with soap or shower gel
I’m sure most of you would have known by now that rinsing yourself with only water is not adequate to have a clean body. After the initial rinse, it is always best to soap yourself thoroughly before rinsing yourself with water again. Well, the reason for using soap or shower gel is that when either of them is applied onto your body, a bubbly mixture will be formed and the dirt on your body will be stuck to that mixture. Upon rinsing your body, the dirt on your body will be carried away with the bubbly mixture, which then leaves your body with a fragrant scent. Note that some modern cleaning gels are “soap free”, but that is another issue.

4. Have a brush with you to scrub your body
For areas like your back where you have difficulty reaching, it is always good to have a brush with you to lend you a helping hand. Easily dirtied areas like your kneecaps and elbows can also be scrubbed clean with the brush. Scrubbing is best done after soaping of the body. It helps to remove the dirt on your body more effectively.

So, how about an economical and refreshing bath starting from today?

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