Monday, December 14, 2009

Losing Fats with Kickboxing

When we exercise, we always think of sweating it out and burning fats. No doubt burning fats is of our main concern, however it suddenly occurs to me that certain exercises not only allow us to lose weight, they also allow us to pick up a skill and improve our overall fitness.

When I started swimming regularly, I asked myself ‘How can I better exercise so that not only I can achieve my ideal weight but at the same time learn a skill?’ Another important exercise that I decided to incorporate into my exercise plan is kickboxing.

Here are 5 reasons why kickboxing stands out from a typical exercise:

1. Self-Defense

Unlike many exercises, kickboxing trains you to be equipped with defensive skills. You will be learning punch and kick techniques that can prove valuable in a dangerous situation. Such defensive skills are very important as you never know when you may be in a life-threatening situation. Fortunately I have not been in such a situation but I really believe in ample preparation for the worst. The defensive skills you learn from kickboxing might just make a difference.

2. Body- sculpting

Kickboxing works the entire body. From cardio, fitness, strength and flexibility, kickboxing trains the entire body. A friend of mine who is very dedicated to kickboxing, used to have flabby arms. Now flabby arms are a thing of a past to her. When we lose weight, we may still not be able to get rid of the stubborn fat that remains in our arms. Kickboxing will also give you a more defined body because of its intensity and the different types of muscles involved in it.

3. Fun and Excitement

Kickboxing is one of the most fun and exciting exercises that I ever come across. It is very different from other exercises. Unlike traditional exercises like jogging, kickboxing is very dynamic. There is a lot of different movements involved, from throwing punches, kicking and also footwork. You get to move your hands, legs and body in a totally different way than you can ever imagine. During a workout class, there will also be music played. Sometimes I also kickbox in my own gym while listening to my favourite songs from a player. It gives me an exhilarating feeling as well as a great adrenaline rush.

4. Convenient

For some people, like me for example, you can choose to do it at home or at your gym. You do not necessarily need to travel far for your kickboxing workout. You can workout using kickboxing instructional DVDs. All you need is a DVD player, a spacious room and some leisure time and you can get an energetic workout as and when you feel like it.

5. Effective Weight Loss

Kickboxing workouts burn 400 to 600 calories per hour. It also maintains your heart at an optimum 75%-85% rate which is the recommended heart rate during exercise and training. My friends who kickbox share with me that they have lost up to 10 kg since they started 5 months ago. And they seem pumped up about it, so much so that it makes me want to go for it as well.

The more I learn about kickboxing the more I want to try, see you folks at the gym!

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