Thursday, December 3, 2009

10 Simple Health Practices: 2. Caring for Your Teeth

Interesting fact: Did you know that the hardest part of our bodies is actually not our bones, but our teeth?

We have twenty of them when we are a kid before they eventually fall off one by one and are replaced by thirty two permanent teeth. They reside in our mouths and serve us well all our lives. Without them, we will not be able to chew our food. However, to be able to continue enjoying our meals at a ripe old age depends on how diligent and how much we love and cherish our teeth. Below is a list of oral care that I have collated to ensure healthy teeth:

1. Brush at least twice a day
Since young as a child we have been taught by our parents and teachers to brush our teeth two times a day; in the morning when we wake up and at night before we sleep. But how many of us actually abide by the advice? Not many I guess. Well, to be honest, I’m also guilty of that too when I was a kid. It is essential to brush your teeth at night especially as your mouth does not have the same salivary protection when you are sleeping as it does during the day. If time permits, try to brush after lunch too. Brushing your teeth after every meal reduces the damage caused by plague by-products and toxins.

2. Floss your teeth
In addition to regular teeth brushing, flossing is also essential in preventing gum disease. Flossing cleans the area in between the teeth which the typical toothbrush cannot perform. Again like before, it is best to give your teeth floss after every meal. After all, diligence never harms but pays off.

3. Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash
If you are in a rush, this is what I would suggest to most people. Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash after every meal. Rinsing your mouth with fluoride mouthwash not only washes away the remaining food particles residing amongst your teeth and gums, but also strengthens the overall tooth enamel. However, try not to swallow the solution when rinsing.

4. Scrape your tongue
This is one practise which I believe many people neglect. Scraping one’s tongue plays an important role in maintaining good oral hygiene. It not only helps to freshen up one’s breath, but also slows down the accumulation of plaque on one’s teeth. Try cleaning your tongue with your toothbrush first before using the tongue scraper for maximum results.

5. Reduce sugar intake
The reason for this is that sugar feeds the bacteria residing in your mouth which, in turn, excrete substances that break down your tooth enamel. This is why eating too much sweet and sugary foodstuff causes tooth decay.

6. Visit the dentist twice a year
Go for dental checkups every six months to be informed of your latest oral hygiene status, or if needs be, go for dental cleaning as well. No harm being assured of having a good oral hygiene, isn’t it?

If taken care of properly and diligently, it is likely that our teeth will last us a lifetime. They will be our means of enjoying our meals for the rest of our lives.

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