Monday, November 23, 2009

Losing Fats with Climbing Stairs

Since the time that technological advancements brought about the invention of elevators and lifts, it seems that stairs are only patronised during lift maintenances and emergencies. Just take a look around us and ask ourselves, how often do we take the stairs? Or do we even know where the nearest staircase to our office is located? Well, I leave the answer to you. I always make an effort to climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.

Here are 3 simple reasons why you should climb the stairs instead of taking the lift:

1. Tones muscles
Climbing stairs typically makes use of the leg muscles, particularly the quadriceps (front of the thighs) and the buttocks. It is a good form of training for the lower limbs as the entire body weight is put on the legs which increases the leg power and may be an important factor in reducing the risks of injuries from falls in the elderly. However, for those with pre-existing knee problems, please do take precautions with your knee joints when climbing stairs. Exerting too much pressure on your knee joints may aggravate or cause your old ailment to recur. As for normal persons, it is undoubtedly a cost-effective and safe form of workout.

2. Reduces body fats
Climbing stairs is time efficient as it reduces body fats and burns calories in a short period of time. Depending on the individual’s body weight and rate of climbing, it is generally estimated that fifteen minutes of stair climbing expends 75 calories, which works out to a total of 27,375 calories in a year. This is equivalent to 7.8 pounds of body weight! Therefore I always tell myself I must climb the stairs instead of taking the lift.

3. Enhances cardiovascular system
Another benefit of climbing stairs is that it enhances blood circulation and improves the lung and heart function as oxygen intake to the heart is increased. The risk of contracting high blood pressure and coronary heart problem is also reduced as a result of improved aerobic fitness.

So now, having known all the health benefits about stair climbing, how about climbing stairs to your office or homes?

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